Visual and Performing Arts
Choral Music Program
Students in pre-Kindergarten-fifth grade participate in music instruction on a weekly basis. The program focuses on developing a solid musical background to create singing musicians for life. Students in the program can expect to sing a variety of styles of music, from early musical forms to more modern, contemporary compositions. Students will learn about the physical mechanisms of voice, vocal development, posture, performance, sight-singing, music history, and multi-culturalism. All of the selections and materials used in our class have been proven to be age appropriate in classrooms across the nation. Students in grades fourth – eighth may choose to be a part of the St. Paul’s School Singers and the middle school elective choir.
Instrumental Music Program
Band instruction begins in third grade and takes place during school hours as part of our daily curriculum. Students are able to showcase what they learned at concerts throughout the year.
Middle school students may choose drama as an elective class during the school year. A musical production, complete with stage props, choreography, costumes, and state-of-the-art lights and sound, is performed for the entire community.
Visual Arts
K-5th grade students attend art class on a regular basis in the school's art studio room. St. Paul’s young artists are exposed to 2D and 3D art including a variety of mediums: graphite, charcoal, pastel, acrylic, watercolor, paper-cutting, wire sculpture and ceramics. In collaboration with the multitude of subjects taught on campus, we focus on cross curriculum relating to the students' grade level, art history and the basic media skills.
Visalia Times-Delta Photojournalism Partnership
Each quarter, Middle School students enrolled in the Journalism Elective will have the opportunity to write fun and informative articles that will run in both the St. Paul's Gazette, and the Visalia Times-Delta newspaper! Under guidance of St. Paul's faculty, this is a great opportunity to learn about Journalism best practices, researching, writing for a public audience, and taking supporting photographs! Students will also receive in-class guidance and critique from the staff of the Visalia Times-Delta.
Check out what our 7th and 8th grade English writing program has to offer HERE.